A full year of the conversation you require to have..
the one with YOU and your desires as the priority
Over the course of a full year have access to the most exquisite conversation...YOU.
Be engaged in the energy and participate in the Elegant Femme curriculum that will support you in the fullness of who you are. You will be shifting into the 'Tout Est Possible' paradigm with Tara and other high vibrational women across the world.
A full year devoted to the life you desire to live...
She is leading the feminine shift that is happening in the world right now.
Ali Brown
Tout est Possible
'I believe that ANYTHING is possible
I believe in UNLIMITED receiving of my deepest desires
I believe our imagination is the portal for our most beautiful reality
I believe if we can dream it, we can allow it
If we can allow it, we can receive it
If we can receive it, we WILL experience it
I believe Spirit utilized our desires to further the evolution of this planet
I believe it is our responsibility to dream, the enhance, expand and to embody the truth that 'Tout Est Possible!'
"I absolutely adore the energy and love I feel in Elegant Femme."
I wanted to send you a HUGE Thank You for the Love, Energy, and Inspiration that I received from this 4 Week time. I feel like I have grown so much and received soooo much! This experience gifted me a chance to really deepen my relationship with myself and see where I have been choosing to be "stuck". Thank you!!! I have deepened my relationship with my Femme Flow and allowed myself to release a Sh*t Ton of Judgements!!! THAT was HUGE for me.
"This has been the best and most healing development I have done!"
Thank you, you have touched my life in such a profound way. Because of this I now have pushed the blocks away, expanded my soul, learned how to receive, and finally able to have a clear picture of what I want my business to look like. I can’t begin to tell you how much growth and healing I have done.
"The best teachers are those who show you where to look, but don’t tell you what to see."
"Because of my Femme Type discoveries in EF, I am supported in navigating the beginning of a long-overdue and major lifestyle change for me and my husband, and instead of letting my faux-New Yorker voice try to "fix" everything, my Indie is gently reminding me to do my path and be supportive of my husband's path...this is a major shift for me."
Success Stories
Since going through LYFP, my confidence has shifted. In the times where I DO react, I’m able to admit fault and make it right without making it “about” me and my worth. It has impacted my relationship with my children and siblings, but mostly with me. I actually LIKE me!
Lorem ipsum dolor amet pickled roof party artisan cray organic. Succulents cloud bread food truck glossier cardigan celiac vegan dreamcatcher selfies neutra forage. Street art biodiesel echo park man braid banjo YOLO. Pork belly everyday carry keytar biodiesel, letterpress ennui shoreditch vegan. Banjo VHS wolf.
It is hard for me to express all the expansion I have experienced
I am a beautiful feminine light in this world. My soul co-creates with God from a gorgeous space of empathy, compassion, collaboration, community, and intuition. This is the source of my power. Boundary: Every day I am required to connect with the Feminine that resides in me. (It is as if someone plugged me into my source of power) I no longer view the feminine as weak, a burden, exhausting, needy, complicated, and repulsive.
Tout begins for you as soon as you sign up. You will have access to the program Tara is currently offering at that time as well as access to programs she is teaching throughout the year. You also receive access to a brand new Tout only membership area. You will have access to a special 'Tout Est Possible ' fb group with other women who are truly devoted to the journey of the "Anything is Possible" paradigm.
Frequently Asked Questions
YES! There are monthly live group calls with Tara as well as self-led programs inside the Tout vault. While we can not guarantee Tara will answer each individual question, the group will receive value and support by witnessing other women being mentored through the program.
Yes, all calls will be recorded and inside your private Tout membership.
Depending on when you choose to join Tout you will have access to what we are leading at that time as well as some programs from the EF Vault.