2010 with 7 and 4 year old boys, my husband and I moved to France. It was a lifelong dream of mine. I loved the culture… the language… the food. THE FASHION.

But only 2 years earlier it felt so far away. It felt untouchable. Like maybe someday, when we retire or… Somehow it could happen. But I had no idea how.  

Dave was working in sales in Arizona and after 10 years working for the company he had 3 weeks of vacation a year. 3 weeks in France would be a fantastic vacation. But it wasn’t the dream. The dream was to live there.  

Dave asked his boss if he could work remotely. I bought an online template that helped position “working from home” as a benefit to his boss. We spent hours filling it out. Fine tuning it. 

I remember getting the phone call with the bad news. “They said they aren’t set up for it and it’s not possible… I’m sorry babe” Dave conveyed in a somber tone.  

I was gutted.   

"I tapped into an energetic source of receiving like I had never known before."


I had a choice. Accept defeat, let it go. Move on.

Or find another way. A better way.  

So I journaled. Asked my FemmeTypes for guidance. And the answer I received was to create a Femme Vision.  

I didn’t know it was a Femme Vision back then. I just followed my intuition, creating a vision that included all of my FemmeTypes, and what happened next was magical.   

The process I brought myself through was specific. It was detailed. It created the space, and confidence I needed for me to start Elegant Femme.

It also removed fear and gave me extraordinary clarity on what I was really seeking, why I wanted it and how I wanted it.

The floodgates opened!

I tapped into an energetic source of receiving like I had never known before.

My husband walked away from his golden handcuff 7am-6pm job. 

The Femme Vision gave me the courage to experience my dream of moving to France with my young family… And we lived there for 7 years!  

I didn’t wait for the kids to finish school. I didn't wait for a million in the bank. In fact when we moved to France we only had a little in savings.  

But I had so much trust… so much confidence that THIS was what I needed to do. And it all started with my Femme Vision.  




Overcome fears that hold you back from experiencing your visions, so you can experience your true power

Uncover visions you are not able to identify on your own. The sacred, heartfelt ones that have been hidden.

Open your divine channel to co-create at the highest level possible

or the first time in 2023 I lead a “Femme Vision” workshop. Now you can have IMMEDIATE access and guidance on creating your own unique Femme Vision.  

I’ll guide you step by step through the process as you create your Femme Vision.  

When you do this properly you’ll have CLARITY on what you want.


You’ll see it perfectly and most importantly you will feel it and begin to experience it.  

Often we are afraid of getting what we want, we don’t know who we will be, or how others may react. 
Sometimes we fear it will be too much work, or we don’t know how. 

Inside of a Femme Vision we transform these fears into POWER by utilizing the FemmeTypes to open us up to a floodgate of RECEIVING energy.

LIVE into your bigness, even when you are feeling small. And let go of the fear of it being too much work!


Create a Master Mind conversation between you and your Soul and open the floodgates to receiving

Leave with a clearly defined and detailed Femme Vision that includes your Indie, Frenchie and New Yorker FemmeTypes so you can move into the experience your Soul is seeking 

Understand and define HOW you are wanting to experience your desire, so you can take your foot off the brake of your natural momentum.


Witness What Beauty Can Inspire


She is leading the feminine shift that is happening in the world right now.

Ali Brown



More clarity
More space
More trust
More alignment

live into the vision...

I have released guilt and I am allowing beauty in my life!

As I am in the releasing guilt part of my Frenchie exercises, I wanted to share something HUGE: I have been wanting to decorate my office for 2 years now. TWO. YEARS. I bought one gorgeous butterfly tapestry right away, and then daydreamed of filling my office with inspirational quotes & artwork, lovely smells and music but felt guilty about buying all of the stuff. Well, guess what? I bought the wish list of stuff! And I am SO EXCITED!  

Janet E

“I’m releasing illusions from my past and enjoying exactly where I am”

I feel like I am AWAKE!!! Ed and I went to dinner last night and I ENJOYED talking with him, sharing my ah-hahs and wins and just laughing and having FUN! Our server was TOTALLY FRENCHIE ENERGY TOO!!!!! My senses are ALIVE!  I AM releasing illusions from the past and ENJOYING EXACTLY WHERE I AM and my vision for my future! Now I feel the path has cleared for new clarity in my business, and my life. 

Sarah O

“I feel more and more connected to life in the present moment like never before. I feel alive!”

"My most important insight is that I have always been looking for permission to "enjoy" anything, especially anything directly to do with me... I've even hidden behind my children in order to allow myself to enjoy - "Well, they like to do that so it's ok if I do it... it's not for me, it's for them.." So-o fearful, so sad; I can't believe I lived like that.
Enjoyment" has always been of others' pleasure, others' decisions, others' achievements and made me feel more and more that I am watching my life as if it were a film, not really engaging in anything, just going through the motions...
Yet I've been in EF for just two days and already feel the huge joy of following the flow of enjoyment... and am completely amazed that I have more energy for all the mundane things - the "have to do" things - that dragged me down and accomplished them as if on the crest of a wave - the wave of enjoyment??!!
Am now really hopeful about the future, whereas before I could see no other way but "same old, same old.."
Thank you so much!

I am experiencing an amazing shift in my consciousness, my relationships are blossoming and I am experiencing more opportunities to expand my coaching business and it is all happening effortlessly!”

Elizabeth G

Ali R

"I completed my Frenchie and now that I have gone through the layers and the modules SO MUCH OF MY LIFE MAKES SENSE NOW! And I am feeling freer to truly ENJOY and learn what I really enjoy in life. "

Tara's knowledge is wide ranging and esoteric and yet her talent is in how she navigates it all, aligning her insights with what is personal to you and delivering her advice in laser sharp, straight-shooting doses that are both compassionate and kind. 
The conversations of that day set my heart alight, challenging me and tuning my focus into my own talents and beauty. There is a synergy Tara taps into, to create an environment of trust and intimacy in which so much truth and beauty is revealed.

Tara's trademarks, yes, but also how she navigates the world. I came away so full of gratitude for Tara and so filled with possibilities that she helped me to identify and co-create. Tara is an elegant master

- Julia M

co-creation AMPLIFIED

We all know the power of visioning.

We know we are extraordinary beings that can tap into our fullest potential.

We know that deep down we are worthy and we can have anything we desire.

           So then why don't we do it?

The opportunity to trust ourselves with our power requires something that we often don't allow.

We require to LIVE into it.

Not just know it, not just be aware of it...

                            LIVE INTO IT!

We require to live into our visions.

To express them into the fullness of who we are.

As we do this, we activate a co creative force that joins us in this power and magic happens.

The life I lead doesn't make logical sense.

What I have experienced in my life, isn't rational and it was not created with a typical 'plan.'

From moving to Paris, to creating Elegant Femme, to having catwalks with my own clothing line in Paris, AND growing a gorgeous family with a multi seven figure business...every single thing stemmed from a Femme Vision.

I'll be sharing how a Femme Vision will uncover for you the visions you don't even know are out there for you.

And it's simple, elegant and supportive.

I believe we as women all need more of that!

I want you to receive and experience ALL of what you desire in this lifetime, and so much more than you have yet to recognize in yourself.

The Femme Vision process is where it all begins.

the power of a femme vision



This program / course / membership is the only one of its kind because...

IT does this really cool thing.

Cold-pressed cray health goth ethical aesthetic typewriter. YOLO af copper mug single-origin coffee, deep v pop-up street art kogi kale chips. Activated charcoal four dollar toast raclette copper mug, fanny pack shabby chic kale chips thundercats. Etsy four loko fashion axe, echo park lomo meditation fam occupy cronut cold-pressed iPhone 3 wolf moon af pitchfork deep v.

Post-ironic poutine truffaut bicycle rights, skateboard brunch sartorial. Mustache flexitarian glossier pickled tumblr. Migas wayfarers hammock, biodiesel deep v kale chips adaptogen seitan cred umami +1 palo santo. Stumptown bitters forage meditation gastropub, thundercats lo-fi.

Femme Vision
immediate access

5 hour pre-recorded workshop (in 3 sessions)

Playbooks for each session

Private Membership area


What you receive...


When does the program start?

This is a pre-recorded program that was held in 2023. You will receive IMMEDIATE ACCESS. This is the year a new level of surrender cracked me open, and what I have implemented in my life since this time has resulted in buying a sailboat as "empty nesters" and saying YES to a whole new level of my feminine.


Is this program included in the Tout Est Possible Year long Immersion?

YES! The full Femme Vision workshop is included in Tout. If you are interested in our yearlong immersion, please email info@ElegantFemme for your upgrade link.


Who is this for?

Femme La Vision is for the woman who desires to LIVE her vision in the most elegant, graceful way while activating all of her co-creative power. If you have been afraid of being disappointed and are setting your visions to small, or you are afraid of success and having your vision be "to much work" Or if you have ever wondered if your will aligns with Gods will for your life. This is for you.

Femme La Vision is about stepping boldly into your feminine brilliance, embracing your unique path, and trusting that your desires are not only valid but also divinely inspired. 

If you are new to Elegant Femme this is an amazing place to lean in. If you have been with us for some time, you will activate enhanced aspects of your Femme Vision and your ability to receive.


What makes this different from other vision programs/processes?

The Femme Vision process is a revolutionary visioning process for women that infuses ALL of who you are into your vision. Often, we split ourselves in our visions and create inner conflicts that stop us from moving forward.  As you learn how to include your FemmeTypes in your vision, you will not only expand, you will let go of the fear of managing your vision or it being "too much work."

Femme Vision
immediate access

5 hour pre-recorded workshop (in 3 sessions)

Playbooks for each session

Private Membership area


What you receive...