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I was sick…in Paris! How to honor your truth when life happens.

follow @ELEGAnTFEmme1


Edgy yet chic, Timeless and powerful. Can drop an f bomb and mediates daily. Committed to growth and evolution.

Bonjour...I'm Tara

The last time we connected here on the podcast, my son was graduating and we were getting ready to go to Paris. We are home now, and do I ever have things to share with you about this experience, which I’ll talk about in this episode!You’re going to find out how things didn’t exactly go as planned on this trip, and I want to share those spaces in between with you when it feels nothing like you believe a Beautiful Soul-Led Life is supposed to feel like.I’m here to tell you that a Beautiful Soul-Led life isn’t static, and everything won’t always go as you would like, but that’s part of the human experience that the FemmeTypes can support you with. Life happens to all of us and it can be hard, but it is my intention that this will help give you perspective and a reframe as you continue to live your Beautiful Soul Led-Life.In this episode you’ll hear: *times to change in final mix

  • A few key things that happened on our trip and the big lessons that I gained by experiencing them [3:15]
  • How the human side of all us often reacts to external circumstances that we cannot control, and what I refer to as the “space in-between” [8:56]
  • Why a Beautiful Soul Led-Life isn’t static [10:33]
  • Questions that can ask yourself if fall sick or things aren’t going as you thought they would [16:22]
  • The ways that each FemmeType supports you when going through a higher level of ascension, and how you can begin to use the FemmeType journaling process on your journey [17:58]
  • Why it’s so important that we don’t bypass the times when we are in our human capacity [18:38]

If you have a question that you would like answered on an upcoming episode, you can go to and click on “Have Une Question” on the right hand side of the page.
If this episode inspires you in some way, take a screenshot of you listening on your device and post it to your Instagram Stories, and tag @elegantfemme1. J’adore if you would share, rate and review the show on your favorite podcast app, as it will help this message reach more listeners, and change more lives. 

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This is where femmes unveil their true & limitless life.