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How to Structure Your Day…

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Edgy yet chic, Timeless and powerful. Can drop an f bomb and mediates daily. Committed to growth and evolution.

Bonjour...I'm Tara

How to Structure Your Day…the FemmeType™ Way…

A couple weeks ago, I had a private day with a client and she shared with me how difficult it was for her to structure her day. She was feeling exhausted from lack of sleep, overwhelmed with priorities and ‘to-do’s” that were not being completed and she was starting to feel unsure of herself and what she wanted next…

I shared with her my secret flow to my day.

It will help you feel organized, authentic, aligned and powerful throughout the day (not to mention help you sleep at night.)

Want to know what it is? Watch the video below.


How do you structure your day?

How do you structure your day in a way that:

  • Serves you to have the impact…
  • Allows you to have the influence…
  • Makes you feel like you’re in a FLOW…

Instead of feeling like you’re pushing, exhausted, and not actually doing the things that you want to be doing.

This is a bit of an epidemic that is going around, and I feel that a lot of women have just learned to cope with this feeling.

Many women, prior to coming to Elegant Femme have shared with me their feelings of never really feeling caught up, adrenal fatigue and feeling wiped out!

From this space of overwhelm and fatigue, it is difficult to think about your next level. It is difficult to get excited about life and to think about structure in your day in a way that will really serve you.

If you have been in the Elegant Femme Community for some time and are familiar with the FemmeTypes™, the Indie, the Frenchie and the New Yorker, this is going to assist you.

If you are brand new to the Elegant Femme Community and this is the first time you are hearing about Frenchie, Indie, and New Yorker, I am going to share a little with you today. I invite you to learn more about YOUR unique FemmeTypes™ and the support structure for the modern woman by taking our quiz here:

FemmeType Summary™

Structure For Your Day

Most women start their day in Faux New Yorker energy: That feeling frazzled, “I’m already behind”, “I’ll never get there”, that kind of energy.

How does this happen?
By picking up their phone first thing when they get out of bed, (or sometimes while still in bed) and this starts your day with anxiety, and even end their day with the Faux New Yorker Energy: up late at night, doing “one last thing”.

Do you relate to the Faux New Yorker energy?

This energy is NOT going to be conducive to your feeling in the flow, being strategic and also winding down in a way that allows you to receive fully during your sleep period.

Instead…I invite you to try structuring your day the FemmeType™ way….all the details are in the video above and you can download the complete flow here.

Starting and ending your day this way creates a beautiful bookend, a circular flow for your life and for your day.


If you would like to know more information about your unique FemmeTypes™ and the support structure for the modern woman. Take the quiz here:

PS. I would love to know what you think about my secret flow and how you feel about how you currently start and end your day! Share in the comments below.

PPS. If you do not yet have your Femme Flow List you can get it here! This is the bookends of the day for EVERY Elegant Femme.

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A couple weeks ago, I had a private day with a client and she shared with me how difficult it was for her to structure her day. 

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