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Episode 60: The importance of taking time off

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Edgy yet chic, Timeless and powerful. Can drop an f bomb and mediates daily. Committed to growth and evolution.

Bonjour...I'm Tara

Have you ever thought about taking time off, but thought it just wasn’t possible in your situation, or something that only other people can do? Today, I want to remind us all, especially as women, that we absolutely do have the opportunity to gift ourselves permission to take time off, and I’m going to show you why this is such an important conversation to be having. 

In this episode, I reveal what I mean by taking time off, and I share studies that show real world proof about the value of this practice. I give my own experience with stepping away and the magic that has happened each and every time that I have made the conscious decision to do this. 

Whether it’s a sabbatical, a weekend away or just one day all to yourself, I hope that you really begin to consider seeing the value of taking time off as something that is so profound, because not only is taking time off important, but it is a necessary thing to do.  

In this potent episode you’ll hear:

  • The first time that my husband and I gave ourselves permission to feel into the value of taking time off [7:12]
  • How I have come to realize that taking time off is a necessity, not just luxury [9:52]
  • Why it’s so important for each of us to define what taking time off means to us individually [11:48]
  • How I have carefully designed my life to support me in taking time away and what has happened each time that I have made the conscious decision to do it [12:27]
  • A look at a research study that demonstrates the power in taking time off [15:48]
  • Some of the different ways to approach taking a sabbatical [16:53]

As I share in the episode I’ll be taking the month of August off, but I want to breathe new life into the podcast by bringing a deeper level of intimacy and connection. If you have a question that you would like answered in a future episode, you can send it to (using the subject line “Podcast Question”) and my team will gather those questions for when I return in September. I’ll be answering the ones that I feel will give the most value to our community of listeners, so please reach out if there has been something you’ve had a desire to ask and to be answered. 

I’ll see you back here in September with brand-new episodes of Your Beautiful Soul-Led Life, and if you haven’t yet you can opt-in to our email list at to keep up to date with all the gorgeous things we have coming for you this Fall!  


“That decision of going all in as entrepreneurs really began to shift my mindset, certainly around what time off looked like and what it meant.” [5:54]

“In some ways it can be more difficult to take time off as an entrepreneur, because your work is your life and the weekends aren’t necessarily the weekends like they used to be when you’re leading the 9-to-5 [life], unless you commit to them being that way.” [6:23] 

“I have come to see, in my own life, taking time away not as a luxury, [but] I see it as an absolute necessity.” [9:52] 

“This has been carefully curated by me. My Beautiful Soul-Led Life has been designed to support me in this, I see the value in this, and I also understand that no one else can give me permission to do this.” [12:27] 

“When we slow down and we are in tune with the pulse of life in that way, we can’t help but grow, evolve and expand into deeper places in our lives.” [14:09] 

“Taking time away doesn’t necessarily mean you don’t do anything. It’s a concerted, conscious directive for what you want to be spending your time doing or not doing.” [17:33]

Links & Resources: 

Harvard Business Review Study, Research: The Transformative Power of Sabbaticals

Think & Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill

Episode 59: How to avoid burnout with your New Yorker FemmeType

Episode 02. The truth of how I ‘birthed’ Elegant Femme

Sign Up for La Belle Vie Now! 

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