Episode 87: Redefining Surrender: How to Co-create with Life’s Divine Plan

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Edgy yet chic, Timeless and powerful. Can drop an f bomb and mediates daily. Committed to growth and evolution.

Bonjour...I'm Tara

As I sat down to record this episode, I wasn’t exactly sure what I would be speaking about with you today. So, what I thought would be fun is to actually do a complete free fall and just allow myself to be led on the podcast, and as I hit “record”, I felt called to dive into a conversation of surrender, and what it really means. 

In this potent episode, you’ll hear: 

  • The two extremes that can happen when we think about surrendering [4:08]
  • An exploration of what typically comes up when we think about surrender [7:32]
  • A look at surrendering through the lens of The FemmeTypes [9:26]
  • The concept that the body follows the mind, and a deep question to ask ourselves that will allow us to surrender to the capacity to receive beauty [13:35] 

My intention is  this episode helps unravel the common misconceptions around surrender and allows you to explore its true nature as a courageous act of openness towards life’s divine orchestration. I want you to embrace surrender, not as a sign of weakness, but as a powerful stance of co-creation with life. I truly believe that surrendering to joy, beauty, and your intuitive self can transform your life and lead you to a state of peace and energetic harmony. So join me in redefining surrender and how it can be the key to living a more authentic and Beautiful Soul-Led Life.

What does the word “surrender” bring up for you? Has this episode helped you bring more clarity on surrender, or redefined the word for you? I’d love to hear from you, so send me a DM on Instagram, @taraannmarino, or at our new account, @elegantfemme.ef.  

As you’ve heard in the last few episodes, we just launched a mini-program called Amour. In this beautiful program I share with you how to truly embody your feminine in relationships so you can receive the deepest level of love possible, whether you are in a relationship with a partner or not, and you can enroll now at www.elegantfemme.com/amour

If you’re ready to reawaken the woman within, the lifestyle makeover for the conscious modern woman who is devoted to living life fully is now available. You can learn more and join our brand new Lean Back and and Live You Fully at www.elegantfemme.com/LYF

Do you have a question that you would like answered on an upcoming episode of the podcast too? You can email us, info@elegantfemme.com, and if it’s a question that I think can bring value to the community and listeners, I could answer it on a future episode of this podcast! 

Also, If you haven’t already, take our Femme Design Assessment and see which of your FemmeTypes are underutilized. 


“A surrender to life, a surrender to the divine orchestration and intelligence of life…I feel when we are at one with surrender, our heart’s are actually really open.” [5:59] 

“You’re being called to remember that you are an extraordinary designer, that you are an amazing mother, that you are a powerful source of beauty in this world. Whatever my Indie might share with me, can I then surrender to that?” [9:51] 

“It’s just my belief and my feeling that the next opportunity towards surrender, as an evolution consciousness, is surrender to the joy.” [11:12] 

“I feel like we’re more accustomed and we trained our bodies and ourselves to expect the struggle, to expect the difficulty. We feel at times more comfortable there than we do inside of allowing it to be so good.” [12:45] 

Links & Resources:

Register for Amour Now and Receive The First Issue of Tara’s Paris

Join Lean Back and Live You Fully

The Tara Paris Website is Coming Soon (Get on the Exclusive Waitlist to be Notified)!

Take Our Femme Design Assessment
Connect With Us on Instagram (and our New Account, @elegantfemme.ef) & Facebook 

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