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Episode 55: What to do when nothing is working

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Edgy yet chic, Timeless and powerful. Can drop an f bomb and mediates daily. Committed to growth and evolution.

Bonjour...I'm Tara

I am amazed at how inside the human experience, we can bounce from feeling good one moment, that everything is working to our benefit, to then getting stuck in the feeling that nothing we are doing is working right now.

So what do we do when this happens? In this episode, I anchor in the energy of the FemmeTypes into this truth that I feel like we all experience, that when we focus on the frequency that nothing is working, we actually look for all the things that aren’t working.  

Depending where you are in your life right now, this is an episode that you may really need to hear, which is why I feel compelled to bring it to you today. 

In this potent episode you’ll hear:

  • What tends to happen when we are in the frequency that nothing is working for us [4:16]
  • Something I like to do when I recognize that I have started to vibrate into this negative frequency [6:55]
  • How a greater good often has a different plan that what it is you think needs to happen [11:09]
  • The ways in which The FemmeTypes can support you in getting out of this frequency [13:01]
  • Why it’s actually ok to feel into some victim mentality at times, as long as you do this [13:43]
  • The misconception that exists around the need for external circumstances to help us feel good [14:56]
  • Details on something exciting we have in the works at Elegant Femme [16:49]
  • The live drawing for our podcast giveaway and the $1,000 Goop gift card [17:09] 

If you want more beauty in your life, we have a brand new program coming up called La Belle Vie! More details will be released soon on our Instagram, @elegantfemme1, but I have announced that it will include a special bonus, The Frenchie Guide to La Belle Vie, and for a limited time only you can reserve your spot for $99 at


“What I find so profound is when things are working, we forget what it feels like when things are not working, and when things are not working, we forget what it feels like when things are actually working.” [2:54] 

“Sometimes we think it’s best for things to go a certain way, when The Universe, God, life, knows that things going a different direction is actually more beneficial.” [11:09]

“Sometimes we just want to have a little pity party. Sometimes we just want to feel into some victim energy for a while, and that’s fine. We can do that as long as we want, as long as we’re recognizing that we are consciously making the choice to stay there.” [13:53] 

“Often what we do is we think we need an external circumstance to feel good. We need an external circumstance to enjoy, or we need an external circumstance as an excuse or a reason in order to gift ourselves the expansion, the joy and the pleasure we desire.” [14:56] 

Links & Resources: 

Sign Up for La Belle Vie Now! 

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