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Episode 39: Heartfelt Desires

follow @ELEGAnTFEmme1


Edgy yet chic, Timeless and powerful. Can drop an f bomb and mediates daily. Committed to growth and evolution.

Bonjour...I'm Tara

As I talked about last week on the podcast, for me January is really an incubation time. I shared with you the Creation Guide that I created over a decade ago to support all of us in bridging the past and new years in a really beautiful, potent and simple way.

A big part of this process, and what I want to talk about with you today, is gaining clarity around what is really important to you, or what I refer to as your beautiful, soul-led, heartfelt desires.

I want you to allow that space and spirit to pour into you where you are being led as you ask these questions concerning your heartfelt desires. I want you to really think about where they are leading you at this particular point in time, and don’t be afraid to hear the answer, whatever it may be. Just be, sit in it, and trust your inner knowing.

Are you like me, and you hate the “old” way of planning? If so, we’d love for you to join us for Sensual Creation Day that is taking place on January 21st, where we do things very differently! Inside of this special workshop, you will go through the first 6 months of your year with me, and we prioritize your desires, your life and your own unique definition of fulfillment. This all happens in a really beautiful, potent and proprietary process using the FemmeTypes, and you can register to join us at the link above.

If you are new to the show, or have been listening all along, we want to hear from you! If this episode inspires you in some way, take a screenshot of you listening on your device and post it to your Instagram Stories, and tag @elegantfemme1.

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In this episode you’ll hear:

  • How January 2023 has been going so far for me as I move through an incubation period to start the new year [2:21]
  • The ways that many of us are getting stuck in our heads by worrying about what was “supposed to be” [3:19]
  • A look at the process I am going through in writing my book, and how this relates to today’s topic of soul-led desires [4:30]
  • What you can do to prioritize what is really important to you right now [5:59]
  • Why I believe that your heartfelt desires don’t answer to reason, and what they respond to instead [7:58]
  • An exercise that you can do to feel into that inner knowing when asking for your own soul-led desires [12:30]


  • #1: “When there are heartfelt, sacred, soul-led desires, they don’t answer to reason. What do they respond to? A feeling, a calling, an inner knowing, [or] a residing inside of your loving and your truth? A response when you think about something that you get excited [about], and it doesn’t even make sense?” [7:58]
  • #2: “What is it in your life, that when you get quiet, you have this inner knowing bubbling up that says, ‘that is important to me, if I allow that to be a priority this year, I’d feel fulfilment just even thinking about it?’’ [10:38]
  • #3: “Where is my heartfelt, soul-led desire leading me at this particular point in time? Here’s the thing; sometimes we’re afraid to hear the answer because we’re afraid we’ll immediately have to do something about it.” [12:56]

Links & Resources:

Get Our Free Guide, How to Create & Honor Your Desires

Register for Sensual Creation Day on January 21st

Connect With Us on Instagram & Facebook

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