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Episode 51: How to Tap Into Your Inherent Value

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Edgy yet chic, Timeless and powerful. Can drop an f bomb and mediates daily. Committed to growth and evolution.

Bonjour...I'm Tara

Today, I want to talk about a subject that can be considered a bit “touchy”, which is how we feel we are valued in the world and what we feel makes us valuable. 

I’m going through this right now, and it’s scary. It has me feeling into some deeper conversations inside of myself of the places where I’ve attached value to certain things, and the places where I’ve limited the truth of my value. 

This is such an important episode because once you’re able to reside inside your inherent value, you’ll find yourself in a special place where you can live the Beautiful Soul-Led Life that you’ve been called to experience.

In this potent episode you’ll hear:

  • A look at what really makes us valuable and how this changes as we age [3:07]
  • My own journey of discovering my inherent value and the ways that the absence of it can influence our lives in significant ways [7:31]
  • How my role as a mom has shifted and the growth opportunities that this has presented [9:13]
  • What’s behind the attachment we feel to how much we do and what you can do to remember that our value is attached to who we truly are [11:41]
  • The magic that happens when we reside inside our inherent value [15:39]
  • Specific questions to ask yourself in regard to determining if you are living inside your inherent value right now [19:11]

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  • Leave only one review per episode (so leaving a review on each of the next three episodes could give you three chances to win)!
  • We ask that you listened to the episode you are leaving the review on, and leave an honest and authentic review.

Thank you so much for participating, and we can’t wait to hear how this podcast is impacting you!

Are you a woman who values high-level support, and you know that as you take time for yourself, everyone around you, including your business, benefits? Are you ready to say “Yes” to you, and to next-level luxury? If so, our exclusive in-person Provence Experience is now open for applications! During your stay in a beautiful villa in Provence, France, in June 2023, you’ll get 3 nights/2.5 days being coached and living with Tara, and so much more. For all the details and to apply now, visit


“When I consider my own personal experiences of then moving into college and my first marriage, it was this aspect of me that was really based in a lot of scarcity.” [6:17]

“My role as a mom has shifted and has changed, and one of the growth opportunities inside of that has been to see, once again, where I may have overly attached to ‘this makes me valuable and they need me.’” [9:13] 

“I do think that there’s a tendency or a temptation I will say, to then look at even more the attachment to how much we do.” [11:41] 

“When we trust ourselves to live into the experiences that are in alignment with our priorities, we are residing in that inherent value. When we are residing inside our inherent value, we trust ourselves to experience the life that we’re really called to experience.” [15:39] 

“When you feel into that opportunity, take a look at where you may be overly attached to your value being what you do, how much money you make, and how much you do for other people. It’s so easy for us to fall into that, myself included.” [19:11] 

Links & Resources: 

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A couple weeks ago, I had a private day with a client and she shared with me how difficult it was for her to structure her day. 

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