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Episode 65: What is the difference between a treat and luxury?

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Edgy yet chic, Timeless and powerful. Can drop an f bomb and mediates daily. Committed to growth and evolution.

Bonjour...I'm Tara

I just got home from a gorgeous trip to Paris, and I happened to get a question from a listener that I feel is perfectly in alignment with what I’ve often talked about on this podcast and inside of Elegant Femme, which is feeling into your desires. Today, I share the frequency around my desires, what has changed the way that I look at things in my own life, and the nuances and subtle differences that exist between a “treat” and luxury. 

In this potent episode, you’ll hear: 

  • Why I was called to look deeper at luxury and our desires in this episode [3:28]
  • What specifically comes up for me when I think of luxury, and the difference to be aware of between luxury and a “treat” [7:31]
  • The role the Faux Frenchie plays in this concept of a treat [10:07]
  • How your desires and spiritual growth are directly related [14:13]

When you feel into this topic, what does luxury mean to you? Remember that your desires are there to support you in a deeper expression of who you really are, and the expression of luxury is one such desire! 

Do you have a question that you would like answered on an upcoming episode of the podcast too? You can email us,, and if it’s a question that I think can bring value to the community and listeners, I could answer it on a future episode of this podcast! 

As well, If you haven’t already done this, you can opt-in to our email list at to keep up to date with all the gorgeous things we have coming for you, and I look forward to seeing you back here next week for a brand-new episode.  


“I believe that our desires are the impetus to our spiritual evolution, I truly believe this.” [4:16] 

“For me, looking at luxury, I required [myself] to define what luxury means to me and what it feels like. So for me, luxury is a feeling, it’s an experience, and it’s also a freedom.” [7:31] 

“The energy that I want to feel into is that what I desire is always available to me, always, always, always. It’s not about a treat, it’s about an opportunity, and experience, and a choice that I choose to allow into my own life.” [9:51] 

“I believe that allowing ourselves to have anything that we desire, when we desire it, and learning to trust our own internal awareness of what’s in alignment for us, is the real opportunity to feel. Is it really a treat, or is it just this is the way that I live?” [12:37] 

Links & Resources: 

Episode 02. The truth of how I ‘birthed’ Elegant Femme

Episode 06: Luxury, how to allow it  

Episode 32: The Energy and Frequency of Luxury 

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