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Episode 66: Open Your Heart to Infinite Receiving with Suzy Ashworth

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Edgy yet chic, Timeless and powerful. Can drop an f bomb and mediates daily. Committed to growth and evolution.

Bonjour...I'm Tara

Today’s guest is someone that I am truly honored to call an extraordinary friend, and I would personally describe her as a force in the world, as well as a gift to the world.

Suzy Ashworth is a quantum transformation and embodiment coach for conscious entrepreneurs, an international keynote speaker, serial entrepreneur, author and single mother of three. Her vision is to raise the vibration of humanity through helping people consciously create freedom, joy and abundance by sharing the secrets of how to tap into the frequency of infinite receiving.  

In this potent episode, you’ll hear: 

  • Who Suzy is and what she credits for getting her to where she is today [6:20]
  • Why she feels so strongly that power lies in choice [9:59]
  • The defining moment for Suzy where she created tremendous growth and decided to choose herself [16:04]
  • An action she took to move beyond the shame and guilt she was feeling in regards to an important relationship in her life [19:55]
  • Suzy’s advice for increasing our capacity to receive as women, and what she remembers if she is ever feeling contracted [34:20]
  • What it means to her to “alchemize back into your truth” [43:09]

In this episode, Suzy and I have a heartfelt and vulnerable conversation about our dreams and desires, and how we lean in and open our hearts to infinite receiving. I hope her story touches and inspires you, and that hearing this shows you what is possible. 

We would both like to hear what resonated the most with you from this episode, and how you are tapping into the frequency of infinite receiving in your life. You can send us a DM on Instagram, or tag us @elegantfemme1 and @suzy_ashworth.

Do you have a question that you would like answered on an upcoming episode of the podcast too? You can email us,, and if it’s a question that I think can bring value to the community and listeners, I could answer it on a future episode of this podcast! 

As well, If you haven’t already done this, you can opt-in to our email list at to keep up to date with all the gorgeous things we have coming for you, and I look forward to seeing you back here next week for a brand-new episode.  


“We have the choice, and in our choice, that’s where the power lies. What are you going to choose today? What am I going to choose for me?” [Suzy, 9:59] 

“In that letter, I just explained how much I loved her, how grateful I was for her and how sorry I was. That letter gave me the piece that I needed at the time to move beyond the shame and guilt.” [Suzy, 19:55] 

“If I’m feeling contracted, if I’m accepting less, it’s because I’ve forgotten the importance of knowing we are here for a finite period of time.” [Suzy, 34:20] 

“When we prioritize our highest good and gift ourselves permission to visualize, it does take courage.” [Tara, 37:35] 

“The more I understand about energy and energetics, and even just the science, [I realize] energy cannot be created or destroyed; we are all things.” [Suzy, 43:26] 

Links & Resources: 

Suzy’s Website & Instagram 

Suzy’s Speaking Page & Infinite Receiving Podcast

Sign Up for La Belle Vie Now!

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